How often does my car battery need to be charged?

Most batteries do not require a recharge for at least five years. That's if you're taking good care of your car. At GoMechanic, we have various kinds of batteries to choose from which could be best for your car.
What should I consider while buying a battery?

While buying a battery for your car you should keep these things in mind, what are the dimensions of your original battery, the warranty period of your car battery, and Storage capacity and depth of discharge.
How much do car batteries weigh?

A standard car battery weighs anywhere from 29 to 50 lbs.
How do I know if my car battery is ready to be replaced?

If your car the engine cranks, but won't start. This is most likely to be the result of a flat battery. Then it is time to change the battery.
What kind of battery does GoMechanic offer?

We have a wide range of batteries whichever can suit your Mitsubishi Cedia like Livguard, Amaron, and Exide Batteries. They are a lot more affordable and reasonable other than the local workshops, you can visit our website to know according to your vehicle.
What happens if the car battery is not in use?

Over time, the battery will become fully discharged if not driven. So you need to keep driving your car twice a week to keep the battery running.