Akshat Ajeya Lead, Content & Creatives at GoMechanic | Automobile Scale Model Collector | DIY guy | Consumer of many foods | CVT is not that bad

Alloy Wheel Painting

The GoMechanic Way!

1 min read

Alloy wheels complement the look of your car, and most of the time, they can make or break a deal. However, alloy wheels are vulnerable to curb rashes and scratches, which ultimately damage and spoil the look of the rim. If your car is a bit old and has alloy wheels, we are pretty sure it must have scuffs and scratches. If the scratch has penetrated the paint layer, it can lead to corrosion. Buying a new set of alloy wheels can prove very expensive.

Painting the alloy rims is not a very hefty task, and it can be finished in under 6 hours. Also, painting them can save you a lot of money, plus make them look new for many years to come. The video below shows the complete process of painting alloy wheels with some tips to take better care of them. 

The painting process can be divided into different parts. Following is a step-by-step guide for you to understand it in a straightforward way.

1. Washing The Alloy Wheels

Cleaning The Alloy Wheels

After removing it from the car, the alloy wheel is cleaned and washed thoroughly to remove any dirt, grime and brake dust. This is a crucial prep step before you start painting. Always remember that preparation is 70% and the rest is 30%.

2. Sanding The Alloy Wheels

Sanding The Alloy Wheels
Sanding The Alloy Wheels

After removing the dust and grease, the alloy wheel is up for sanding now. We will be using 600 grit sandpaper to remove the clear coat and topmost layer of the paint. It is a necessary step so that the paint will stick better with a smooth finish. If the alloy wheel is in good condition, still you need to sand it for a perfect finish.

3. Adding Body Fillers And Primer

Adding Primer and Body Filers
Adding Primer and Body Filers

If the alloy wheel has chips and scratches, body fillers are added to make the surface even for painting. If the paint is faded, we will be adding primer after removing the topmost layer of the paint. The primer is also sanded to make the surface smooth for painting.

4. Adding Paint And Clear Coat

Painting The Alloys
Painting The Alloys

After all the above-given steps are finished, we will be masking the tyre to save it from overspray. Finally, a paint layer is added, and as it dries off, the second coat of paint is also added to the alloy wheels. In the end, a final layer of clear coat is added to protect the paint.

Akshat Ajeya Lead, Content & Creatives at GoMechanic | Automobile Scale Model Collector | DIY guy | Consumer of many foods | CVT is not that bad