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HomeFeatured ArticlesPopular Aftermarket Modifications for 2024

Popular Aftermarket Modifications for 2024

Making your car stand out from thousands of the same make is a dream of many of us. From boosting performance to a little sprinkle of individuality, aftermarket car modification gives rise to endless possibilities. It is a means for the masses to add to their travel comfort. But for automotive enthusiasts, these enhancements are far more than just changes. They are a way to be exclusive on the road, express creativity, and bring their interests to life. In this blog, we are diving deep into the aftermarket modifications in India.

Understanding Aftermarket Car Modifications in India

Car modification is a broad category containing any change made to a car to improve a certain inherent feature. These trait upgrades can be:

  1. Cosmetic: Improves general appeal of the car’s interior or exterior
  2. Functional: Makes general drive experience more comfortable
  3. Performance Based: Boosts engine and performance of the vehicle

Aftermarket car mod is any custom work done to a vehicle after its purchase from the automotive market. It is generally done by using parts from third-party companies.

Car Modifications in India: Legal or Illegal


Auto customization done to the vehicle without affecting the safety, social norms, and Original manufacturers’ set standards, is Legal. It is RTO-approved.

Any car modification affecting the structural integrity,  safety, or emission standards of a vehicle is illegal. Illegal modifications are punishable under the Indian Penal Code and may result in vehicle seizing by the police.

What Aftermarket Car Modifications to Consider in 2024

1. CNG Conversion Kit:


CNG conversion kit is an excellent aftermarket car modification. It decreases fuel costs, making travel economical and more environmentally forgiving.

2. Utility Additions(Side Step and Roof Racks):

Utility Additions are a must for the elderly and children, enhancing convenience for getting in and out of tall vehicles. Roof racks add extra storage capacity for outdoor adventures.

3. Interior Revamp:


Adds to the comfort, appeal, and functionality of your car’s interior, resulting in relaxing journeys.

4. Infotainment Upgrade:

A better travel experience is fixed with improved in-car entertainment, touchscreen dash touchscreen display, and navigational connectivity.

5. Electric Conversion Kit:

Transform your vehicle into a complete electric car, with zero emissions and avoid potential fuel price hikes.

6. Utility Additions(Side Step and Roof Racks):


Utility Additions are a must car modification for the elderly and children, enhancing convenience for getting in and out of tall vehicles. Roof racks add extra storage capacity for outdoor adventures.

7. Windows Tint:

Window tints not only protect you from the harsh glare of the sun but also help prevent body tanning, provided they are RTO approved, allowing 70% Front/Back and 50% side visibility as per Rule 100 of Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989.

8. High-Performance Brakes:


Upgrading to OEM-approved high-performance brakes and rotors can improve safety and reduce brake fade, especially for big vehicles.

9. Anti-Theft Systems:


Advanced GPS trackers and immobilizers are the need of the hour to improve vehicle security, especially in urban areas where car theft is a major worry.

RTO Permission for Car Modification


It is wise to consult the local RTO office before customizing your vehicle. The RTO’s decision is final and determines the legal car modifications in India. Any changes must first be approved by the RTO (Regional Transport Office) first, including paint color changes or wrapping.

Things to Consider Before Aftermarket Car Customization

Considering carefully before finalizing any aftermarket car modification is the first step.

  • Some car modification accessories may void the vehicle warranty, so it is necessary to cross-check with the manufacturer’s workshop before any custom work is done.
  • Custom car parts often raise the question of reliability and durability. Ensure that the custom parts have a trusted manufacturer backing them.
  • Some car mods need RTO certification, make sure that the official papers are updated after the custom work to prevent any hassle.

The choice Lies in your Hands !

Aftermarket car modification can be everyone’s choice. Be it increasing utility, functionality or simply boosting a vehicle’s aesthetics, it all lies in the hands of the individual. This freedom allows for unparalleled blends of class, style, comfort, and uniqueness. However, it comes with the responsibility of finding a balance between personalization and legal compliance. With informed decisions and knowledge, aftermarket modification is a hassle-free way to make your car truly your own.


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