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HomeFeatured ArticlesCar AC Not Working? Comprehensive Troubleshooting and Repair Guide

Car AC Not Working? Comprehensive Troubleshooting and Repair Guide

As a car owner, you might relate to the problems associated with ACs and how annoying it can be when your car AC throws off warm air, especially when it’s summer, makes weird noises while you’re on an important call, or throws off a stinky smell when you’re having a car date. Sounds like a nightmare right? From chilling problems to annoying noises, in this blog, we’ll comprehensively discuss why your car AC is causing trouble, what problems could be behind it, and how you can fix them effectively.

Common Problems with Car ACs

There can be multiple reasons and causes of a beaten up AC, some of the common signs are warm airflow, filthy smell, and unusual noises. If you notice these signs while your AC is running, know there is something wrong. Let’s help you find these problems, as well as solutions for them through our comprehensive car AC repair troubleshooting guide.

Chill factor


If you find your AC throwing off warm waves rather than chill air, it can be a technical issue. Most of the time, leaks in refrigerant can be the issue but a bad condenser could also be a problem. When your AC’s condenser is damaged, it doesn’t properly detract heat which leads to the inefficient cooling from refrigerant. To fix this problem, you have to seek a professional for your car AC repair who’ll first identify the specific issue and then work on it. He might replace your condenser and provide you with a few prevention measures for the future.

Unwanted Noises

If your car AC makes unusual sounds when you start it, it is an indicator that something is wrong. There are multiple reasons that can be at fault for this problem like a decayed compressor, loose belt and bearings, contaminants, etc. To tackle this problem, you can try to clean the inner parts of your AC including the compressor and tighten up loosen up bolts and screws. If the problem is still not solved, you can seek professional help for your car AC repair.

Odor problem


You might’ve noticed that Sometimes an unusual smell comes out of your car’s AC. There are a few things that can cause this unusual smell like mold and mildew that could be accumulated in your car’s air filter. Another reason for odor coming out of your AC could be a cause of bad maintenance of your car, in case you are not cleaning your car’s cabin on time. You can fix this problem conveniently at home by yourself just by cleaning out your car’s cabin and air filter system. In very rare cases, if there is some technical problem related to refrigerant or condenser, you might have to seek professional help to get your car AC repaired. You can just search for car AC repair near me, and you’ll get multiple options for service centers in your area.

Electrical Problems

If your car’s AC struggles when you switch it on, switches off in the middle, or doesn’t function adequately, it means there is an electrical problem. An electric problem could be a wiring issue, blown out fuse, or just a technical problem in your system. Electrical problems are normal and can occur with time however, to fix these problems, you have to visit a professional who would look thoroughly and give you a solution. He will most probably change damaged wires and provide an adequate car AC repair.


It can be frustrating to deal with a beaten up AC, especially during the peak of summer. Whether your car AC is throwing off warm air, making unwanted sounds, emitting a stinky smell, or facing electrical issues, it is vital to spot the root cause and find an adequate way to fix it. Where some minor problems can be tackled through DIY solutions, others may require a professional view which you can access through affordable car AC repair. Remember timely maintenance and a good care of your car are key to ensure an adequate and comfortable driving experience.


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