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HomeFeatured ArticlesDeep-Dive into Car Interior Cleaning

Deep-Dive into Car Interior Cleaning

Everybody wants a clean car. The pleasure of driving is enhanced when the ambience in the car is good. Cars gather a lot of dirt and dust on regular usage. Keeping the interiors in good condition is easy and can be done using proper techniques and the best products for car interior cleaning. Different parts in a car’s interior have different sets of materials used to make them. Each set of materials has its cleaning technique. This blog discusses the various tools and techniques for getting the interior cleaned.

Must-Have Tools for Car Interior Cleaning

Must-Have-Tools in car interior cleaning

Some certain devices and equipment come in handy during the process of car cleaning. These tools provide the best results when used in a certain sequence and methods. Mentioned below are the most important six tools.

  1. Vacuum cleaner: A simple tool commonly used for cleaning dust and small debris from cubby holes and cup holders.
  2. Air compressor: Highly compressed air blown with high speed removes the dirt in the carpet and floor mats.
  3. Steam cleaners: This device is used to re-melt dried, melted gunks like candy and chocolates and get it cleaned. 
  4. Power washer: This is used to clean the floor carpets by pressure washing.
  5. Extractor: This device cleans the seats and other fabrics inside the car.
  6. Agitators:
  • Manual – Brushes, Scrub pads, and Microfibre cloth
  • Mechanical – Machine-operated agitators
  • Pre-spray solutions – A chemical used as an agitator.

Car Interior Care Essentials

The equipment and tools should be used along with certain chemicals and solutions for the best results. These chemicals help the fabrics and plastics inside the car restore their original color and shine. These also keep the interior intact for a longer period. Some of the most important and frequently used liquid solutions are given below:

  • Car Shampoo: Used in cleaning the carpets and mats along with pressure washing.
  • Glass Cleaner: Used to clean the windows and windshields.
  • Non-Abrasive Plastic Cleaner: This liquid cleans the plastic parts in the car’s cabin. It has Isopropyl alcohol.
  • Door Jam Degreasers: Used to remove the grease formed near the door hinges on the inner side of the doors.
  • Upholstery cleaner: This solution is used along with the extractors to clean the fabrics inside.
  • Leather conditioner: This solution enhances the shine of the leather. It does not allow the leather inside the car to degrade or crack easily.

Efficient Procedures to get Car Interior Shine Back


To get the optimal result for interior cleaning, it is advisable to utilize some of the appropriate techniques. A systematic approach towards cleaning will also help reduce time consumption and cost. Below are a few necessary points to follow while doing car interior cleaning. All the tips mentioned below can easily give results to people searching for DIY cleaning tips.

  • Vacuuming is the first procedure for cleaning the car.
  • The cleaning should always be a top-down process. Roof liners must be the first part to get cleaned. Dusting and vacuuming should also start from top to bottom.
  • The cleaning started by removing the seats and floor mats. It is required to remove the seats if any stains are visible under them and between the seats and the center console. Once the floor mat is exposed, clean up any leftover trash.
  • Cleaning the door jams with the degreaser and brush followed by power washing to remove dirt. This should be done before the detailing and shampooing in case water sprays on the seats and carpets.
  • An upholstery cleaner is sprayed, and a draw brush and microfibre cloth are used to clean the headlines.
  • Deep cleaning the floor mats with a pressure washer and shampoo and letting them dry. For cleaning the carpets, a cleaner is sprayed, and an agitator is used to bring any hidden dirt to the surface. Then this dirt can be sucked up with the extractor system.
  • To restore the seats, Steam cleaner, dry brush, and extractor should be used to remove the stains.


Here we looked into all about how to deep clean car interiors. There are many useful and important tools for car interior cleaning like vacuum cleaners, agitators, steam cleaners, and extractors. Various liquid solutions and chemicals complement these tools. Some of the DIY car interior cleaning tips mentioned are very important to get the best result for the interiors.


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