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HomeFeatured ArticlesMotorbike Maintenance Myths Debunked

Motorbike Maintenance Myths Debunked

Maintaining a motorbike is crucial for its longevity, performance, and safety. However, several maintenance myths surrounding motorbikes can mislead riders. Keeping your motorbike in top shape is crucial for its performance and your safety on the road. But many ideas are floating around about how to do it right. Some of these ideas, or myths, might not be true. So, let’s clear things up.

We’ll discuss some common motorbike maintenance myths and discover what’s true. This way, you can ensure you’re taking the best care of your bike without spending extra money or causing problems by accident. Knowing the truth about these myths will help you keep your motorbike running smoothly and safely for a long time. Let’s debunk some of the Maintenance  myths:


1. Use of Premium Fuel improves performance

    • No additional performance boost -Using premium or higher-octane fuel provides no additional benefits unless your motorbike specifically requires it.
    • Wasteful ExpenditureRegular fuel is sufficient for most motorbikes and using premium fuel can only be wasting your money
  • Potential Harm to Engine-using premium fuel in a motorbike not designed for it can potentially harm the engine.

2. Warming Up the Engine Before Riding

  • Brief Warm-Up is BeneficialA few minutes of warm-up is necessary, but extended idling is unnecessary and can be harmful.
  • Prolonged Idling is UnnecessaryModern engines warm up quickly; idling for more than a couple of minutes is not required. Extended idling can waste fuel, increase emissions, and cause carbon buildup in the engine.
  • Cold Weather Considerations– In colder temperatures, engines may require slightly longer warm-up times to reach optimal operating temperatures.

3. Engine Oil Can Be Used endlessly

    • Oil Breaks Down Over Time-Engine oil breaks down over time and loses its lubricating and protective properties.
  • Oil Becomes Contaminated-As engine oil circulates through the engine, it picks up dirt, metal particles, and other contaminants.
  • Thickness is reduced– Over time, engine oil can lose its viscosity, becoming thinner and less effective at lubricating engine components. Thinning oil can result in increased friction, heat generation, and accelerated wear on engine parts, compromising engine performance and longevity.

4. Rigidly following the Manufacturer’s Service Schedule

    • Not One-Size-Fits-All -Not all the maintenance tasks need to be performed exactly as specified. Every rider’s experience, usage pattern, and environmental conditions can vary, requiring personalised adjustments to the service schedule for optimal maintenance.
  • Over-Servicing Can Be Costly – Over-servicing can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on components, increased maintenance costs, and potential risks of introducing new issues during servicing.
  • Consultation with Trusted Mechanics –  Regular consultation with trusted mechanics can help tailor the manufacturer’s service schedule to suit individual needs and riding conditions.

5. Washing Your Motorbike with Dish Soap

    • Harsh on Paint and Finish-Using dish soap can be harsh and may strip protective waxes and finishes.
    • No Specialized Cleaning Properties -Unlike motorbike-specific cleaners, dish soap lacks the specialised ingredients needed to effectively and safely clean a motorbike.
  • Risk of Drying Out Rubber and Plastic Parts- Dish soap can dry out rubber seals, hoses, and plastic parts on the motorbike, leading to premature wear and potential cracking.

6. Leaving out Chain Maintenance

    • Increased Friction and Wear –  Neglecting chain maintenance leads to increased friction between the chain and sprockets, resulting in accelerated chain and sprocket wear.
    • Reduced Fuel Efficiency – A poorly maintained chain increases drivetrain friction, reducing fuel efficiency and increasing fuel consumption.
  • Compromised Safety – A neglected chain compromises motorbike handling, braking, and overall safety due to potential chain slippage, skipping, or failure.


7. Air-Cooled Engines Don’t Overheat

    • Vulnerable to High Temperatures -Air-cooled engines can overheat even if they are efficient, especially in hot weather or heavy traffic.
  • Risk of Overloading- Overloading or towing heavy loads with an air-cooled motorbike can put additional strain on the engine, reducing its ability to dissipate heat efficiently.

8. Tyre Pressure Doesn’t Affect Performance

    • Handling, Stability and Braking Performance- Incorrect tyre pressure can significantly impact handling, braking, and fuel efficiency.
    • Tyre Wear– Over-inflated or under-inflated tyres can cause uneven tyre wear, reducing tyre lifespan and requiring premature replacement.
  • Safety Concerns- Incorrect tyre pressure can compromise tyre grip, traction, and handling, increasing the risk of accidents, especially in wet or slippery conditions.

9. Neglecting Fluid Levels

    • Engine Oil – Neglecting engine oil levels or using old and degraded oil can lead to increased friction, wear, and potential engine damage.
    • Coolant – Insufficient coolant levels or neglecting coolant quality can lead to overheating, engine damage, and reduced cooling system efficiency.
  • Brake Fluid –  Neglecting brake fluid levels or using old and contaminated brake fluid can compromise braking performance, leading to reduced stopping power and potential safety hazards.


Knowing the right way to take care of your motorbike is super important. By learning the truth about common maintenance myths, you can make sure you’re doing things the best way possible. This means you’ll save money and keep your bike in great shape for longer. Whether it’s understanding which fuel to use, how long to warm up your engine, or how often to clean your chain, getting the facts straight helps you ride safer and smoother. So, let’s forget about these maintenance myths and focus on what works for keeping our motorbikes running great. With the right knowledge, you can enjoy your rides worry-free, knowing you’re taking good care of your bike.


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