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HomeFeatured ArticlesKey Qualifications to Consider When Hiring a Professional Car Mechanic

Key Qualifications to Consider When Hiring a Professional Car Mechanic

Why is hiring a qualified Mechanic for your car important?


People are often sensitive about their cars and act super careful when it comes to its safety and maintenance. To maintain your car to its best, you will need a qualified car mechanic. Someone who is professional enough to evaluate what problem your car is suffering from and how can he deduce that. It is critical to look for certain qualifications in a car mechanic like expertise, specialized knowledge, certifications etc.. In this blog, we’ll highlight all the key qualifications that you need to consider while looking for a mechanic for your car.

Who is the right Mechanic for your car?

Choosing the right car mechanic is not that big of a deal. You just have to look for someone who possesses adequate qualifications as per your car’s needs. Generally, you should consider someone who is a certified professional and has a good amount of experience. A qualified car mechanic will possess all these qualities and expertise that are discussed below.

  • Expertise with Experience

An expert with experience is the key solution to every problem of your car. When we talk about an expert, we mean an individual with proper qualification, training, and working experience. Someone who’s deeply introduced with the technicalities of distinct parts of a car. There are certain car servicing companies that consist of qualified car mechanics. You can get access to those by searching for nearby car mechanics.

  • Certification

A certified mechanic is someone who has passed an exam and possesses certified training in the particular domain. There are distinct certifications in this field. One of the well recognized certifications in India are ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) and Manufacturer Certification. Through these certifications, an automotive professional can validate his skills and knowledge in this particular field. You can simply search for a certified car mechanic near me for access. Let’s understand these certifications in brief.

  • ASE(Automotive Service Excellence)

ASE is abbreviated for National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence. It is an organization that trains auto mechanics and provides certification based on their skills and efficiency. This course provides mechanics with knowledge of latest technology devices and competence.

  • Manufacturer Certificate

Many car manufacturers offer this certification. A manufacturing certificate is acquired through working for a leading car manufacturer company by proving your skills with specialization in a particular domain. For example, a professional car mechanic with a manufacturing certificate may be specialized in repairing/maintaining hyundai engines.

  • Knowledge of Advanced devices


A qualified mechanic has knowledge of advanced tools and incorporates them to diagnose vehicles. In the contemporary world, almost every car has an OBD(On Board Device) port. OBD-2 device is used to identify problems within a car’s computer through codes and reserved data. A qualified mechanic must possess the knowledge of OBD devices to diagnose the current and predict any future problems within your car. You should always consider a car mechanic shop that uses advanced tools and devices.

  • Warranty offered

If you are getting a part replaced of your car, make sure that the mechanic uses high-quality industry standard replacements that come with an intact warranty. A qualified mechanic always considers high quality replacements that assures warranty and efficiency. So in future if that part stops performing, he’ll replace it with a new one without asking for your money, if it is still under warranty.


It becomes imperative to hire a qualified professional when it comes to your car repair and maintenance. A qualified car mechanic possessing expertise, experience, certifications, and a great knowledge of advanced diagnostic tools will ensure safety and performance of your car. Additionally, he will use high-quality replacements that will save you money and keep you indifferent for your car in the long run. Now when your car faces an issue, just search for nearby car mechanics and choose the right one.


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