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HomeFeatured Articles10 Most Reported Car Problems After The Lockdown

10 Most Reported Car Problems After The Lockdown

Car problems in lockdown might not seem like a big reason to worry. But as soon as this gets over, and you start your car. But it won’t start?

Now, that is a situation you don’t want. Imagine what a bummer it would be. You are already after the situation has improved. You are meeting your friends after a long time but you can’t. Just because your car didn’t start. Don’t you think that it is an avoidable situation? Even we do.

A car when left parked for a long period of time might lead to some issues. While you can’t fight a pandemic on your own, but you can prevent your car from breaking down. Here’s a list of car problems in lockdown that you might face after the lockdown.

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1. Dead Battery

Car Battery | Car Problems in Lockdown
Car Battery | Car Problems in Lockdown

This is a no brainer. Leaving your car sitting idle for a long time, this is the most common thing that you are going to face. Car batteries tend to discharge over time. The only solution is to keep your car running.

You don’t need to take it for a spin. Just fire up the engine and leave it on for 3 to 5 minutes. This will warmen up the battery and keep it alive. You might as well follow it depending on your battery’s or car’s age.

2. Dried Up Mechanicals

Service Engine Soon Dashboard Warning Light
Service Engine Soon Dashboard Warning Light

Your car comprises of some complex parts. Now, to keep your body parts active you workout. So, the situation’s same here. All you need to do is maintain your car by starting it up and driving a bit.

When a car sits for too long, the oil starts to settle and mechanical tend to dry out. This can lead to some large scale car problems in lockdown. So, to work that out just start your car and drive it a bit.  Now, you don’t need to take it out on the road. Just a little movement in your garage will do the job.

3Flat Spots on Tyres

Flat Spot on Tyre
Flat Spot on Tyre

When your car stays parked, it tends to stay in the same position. So, the entire weight of the car is bourne by a single spot on the tyre. This can lead the tyre to develop a flat spot over time. A tyre with a flat spot has to be swapped for a new one.

To avoid the tyre develop a flat spot over time, make sure you move the vehicle a bit. A little movement in your parking itself can save you some bucks in the long run.

4. Deteriorated Seats

Quilted Leather Seats
Quilted Leather Seats


Yes, that’s possible. In case you park your car in direct sunlight it can hamper the leather seats of your car. As you might’ve seen how cars tend to trap the heat in direct sunlight.

This greenhouse-like effect can lead to your leather seat covers melting if kept under the sunlight for longer periods. So, avoid parking your cars in direct sunlight for long periods of time.

5. Fill Your Tank, But Don’t Stock Up

Fill Up Your Fuel Tank | Car Problems in Lockdown
Fill Up Your Fuel Tank | Car Problems in Lockdown


Filling your tank might be a good idea. Any fuel amount more than half will do the job and has two thronged benefits. Firstly, it helps you in case of emergencies and you won’t have to run to the nearest fuel station. Moreover, it also helps your car. a good level of fuel in the tank can help avoid condensation in the tank.

However, we don’t recommend hoarding and stocking up on fuel. Fuel is an essential commodity and the fuel stations around the country are still operating. Hoarding and stocking up is, therefore, not recommended.

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6. Brake Callipers (Squeaking Brakes)



Brake callipers are prone to rust over long periods of inactivity. Your car’s brake callipers usually get replaced after 50,000 kilometre or 10 years. However, during the lockdown the chances of the callipers deteriorating increases.

If the handbrakes are kept engaged for a long period of time, then it might hamper the brake pads. There’s also a chance that your brakes squeak when used after a long period of time. So, ensure that you lose the brakes for a while, and disengage the handbrake from time to time.

7. Rodent Infestation

Car cleaning to prevent rodent infestation
Car cleaning to prevent a rodent infestation


Yes, there’s a chance that your car becomes a generous host to rodents. If your car is parked for a long period of time, ensure that it is cleaned properly. Make sure that there are no bits and pieces of foods that might attract rodents to your car.

8. Interior Cleaning

Cleaning the interior
Cleaning the interior


When you are parking your car, make sure to clean it up good, as mentioned above. While it won’t just invite uninvited guests into your car it can also lead to foul smells. Always ensure before locking up your car that its squeaky clean.

9. Faded Paint Job

Faded Paint | Car Problems in Lockdown
Faded Paint | Car Problems in Lockdown

This is where your parking comes in. Parking your car in the shade can prevent your paint job from fading due to the direct sunlight. The summers are here and so is the scorching heat. Don’t let your paint job suffer.

10. Be Easy on Your Car

Regular Servicing | Car Problems in Lockdown
Regular Servicing | Car Problems in Lockdown

Now, after the lockdown, you want to use your car. The only thing you need to be sure of is to be easy. Try going in for a routine car maintenance checkup to ensure that everything is in place.

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Martand Mishra
Martand Mishrahttps://gomechanic.in/blog
Content Aficionado (basically loves everything content) | The original Top Gear cannot be replaced | Avid reader


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