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HomeFeatured Articles8 Car Damaging Habits that are Unintentionally Ruining Your Car!

8 Car Damaging Habits that are Unintentionally Ruining Your Car!

Our car is one of the most valuable possessions we own. We use it often to commute and therefore it is subjected to harsh weather and road conditions. Sometimes, you might experience a lot of potholes and the other times, you might have to drive it through bumper to bumper traffic. While our car strives to deliver the best it can, there are some car damaging habits that often get away unnoticed. In this article, we will tell you about 10 habits by which you are unknowingly damaging your car. Let’s begin!

  1. Riding the brake

    Car damaging habits
    Riding the brake

    When you are driving down a steep, if you tend to use your brake pedal for long intervals, you are doing it wrong! I have seen some people put the car on neutral and simply rid the brake to get down from a steep. This can severely hurt your brakes and in the worst cases, can cause them to fail too. This is the first one among the car damaging habits that go unnoticed. Instead of riding the brake, you can shift your car into a lower gear and have a control on your car’s speed.

    Read 10 Annoying and Bad Driving Habits of Indian Car Drivers

  2. Regular low-fuel drives

    Car Damaging Habits
    Low fuel in car

    We know that the growing fuel prices are painful but does that mean you valued possession will take all the pain? Driving your car at low fuel won’t damage your car if it is done occasionally. But if you make it a habit, it can severely damage your engine, fuel pump and can also clog your filters. Feeding your car’s engine with the mucky fuel isn’t a good idea for sure. This is also one of the car damaging habits that often get away unnoticed.

  3. Delaying your car’s service

    Well, this is another bad habit that most of the people have. Delaying your car’s service is not a good habit at all. Every fluid inside your car or even the filters have got a limited lifespan. You should not delay your car’s service at all to keep it in its best shape. Worried about high authorised service centre charges? Click the picture above to save up to 40% on your car’s service!

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  4. Driving with Low Air Pressure

    New Tyre Replacement at GoMechanic
    New Tyre Replacement at GoMechanic

    Driving your car with poorly inflated tyres can cause extremely bad effects on your car. However, if you are losing the tyre pressure quite often, your car’s tyres might need to be replaced. With GoMechanic, you can get the nationwide best tyre prices along with free pickup and drop! Don’t compromise on your car’s health due to old tyres otherwise you might end up hurting the suspension badly.

  5. Ignoring the Leaks

    car damaging habits
    Car Fluid Leak

    Another one among the car damaging habits that often go unnoticed is the leaking fluid. You should carefully note your car’s fluid levels at regular intervals. If the leak is prominent, you can also notice the fluid beneath the car like in the picture shown above. If you ever notice a leak in your car, you should not ignore it at all. Don’t worry if you can’t visit the workshops in the current scenario, we offer free doorstep contactless pickup and drop.

  6. Ignoring the Warning Lights

    Car Dashboard
    Car Dashboard Warning Lights

    Another car damaging habit that most of the people ignore in fear of high expenditures is ignoring the dashboard warning lights. Remember, this is the only way how your car can inform you about a problem before it gets worse. If you are anyhow afraid of high workshop charges, we can provide you with free diagnosis if you drive into our workshop.

    Read Bad Habits That Will Destroy Your Car Clutch

  7. Revving Unnecessarily

    car damaging habits
    Revving the engine

    It’s not a healthy habit at all to revv the engine unnecessarily. Some might say that they do it to heat up the engine in cold weather conditions while the others might just be inspired by the racing clips they see. Well, you don’t need to race on the roads and revving your engine is really bad for the components. For heating up the engine, just leave it on idle and it will reach the optimum temperature really soon.

  8. Going on the Potholes

    Road Hazards on Indian Roads
    Road Hazards on Indian Roads

    Well, we live in a country where potholes are a common sight. If you care for your car, it’s your duty to safeguard it from the ill-effects that these potholes might cause to your car’s suspension. Passing over the potholes without applying the brakes is one of the most common car-damaging habits that exist right now. This is the most simple one to overcome too. Just drive slow on roads where you suspect the potholes to be.

These were the 8 major car damaging habits that go unnoticed quite often. Share this article with all the car owners around you so that they get aware of these habits which are damaging their cars. What’s more? You can drop by a GoMechanic workshop for a routine checkup and we will let you know if your car needs some repair!

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Vishal Khanna
Vishal Khannahttps://yt.vu/c/UCowI-iJCENrPhicwCoSkxZw
GoMechanic's OG Content Creator | Automobile Enthusiast | Automobile Engineer | Blogger | YouTuber | The DIY Automotive Guy


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