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HomeElectric Car NewsFormula-E Comes To India In 2023 | Country's First E-Prix

Formula-E Comes To India In 2023 | Country’s First E-Prix

International racing event(s) are returning on Indian soil, again in the form of E-Prix. As per the new calendar for the Formula-E world championship, in the upcoming season-9, Hyderabad in India will host the E-Prix. The E-Prix will be held on a street circuit on 11th February 2023. However, the race is subjected to Track Homologation.

Formula E
Formula E

ABB Formula-E in India

Season 9 calander
Season 9 calendar

This is the second time an international motorsport event is being held in India after Formula 1, Grand Prix, back in 2013. That event was hosted at the Budh International Circuit in Greater Noida. Although the race is not confirmed, it is still subjected to Track Homologation. Nevertheless, the Telangana government did sign a letter of intent with clean energy company Greenko, to confirm the hosting of the E-Prix. But according to Formula E’s chief championship officer, holding the race in Telangana will not be a problem.

The Hyderabad Track

Hyderabad E-Prix Track
Hyderabad E-Prix Track

Details first, the track is a 2.37km long street circuit that Driven International has selected. Driven International are architects and designers of venues with an emphasis on locations for motorsport, driving, and outdoor activities. They also plan to work further on other projects in India, for instance, the Nanoli Speedway in Pune. This 4th round of the E-Prix will see 3rd generation of Formula E Cars gushing.

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These formula electric cars are said to be more efficient, powerful, and lightweight than previous vehicles. Recently Mahindra Racing and Porsche unveiled their cars for the next season.

Mahindra Formula E Gen3
Mahindra Formula E Gen3

In the comment section, what do you think about the E-Prix? Are you excited?

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Utkarsh Bhardwaj
Utkarsh Bhardwajhttps://gomechanic.in/blog
Technical Content Strategist at GoMechanic | Big Time Petrolhead with the passion for building cars and driving those beauties.


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