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HomeFeatured Articles10 Things You Should NEVER LEAVE Inside Your Car (Aerosol Cans, F&B...

10 Things You Should NEVER LEAVE Inside Your Car (Aerosol Cans, F&B etc)

Humans usually very comfortably leave their belongings in their vehicles. Little do they know some things are really dangerous when left unattended in their companion. Those things can either be harmful to the car or for you. With that said, today we count down 10 things you should think twice before leaving them inside. Without wasting any more time, let’s initiate.

  1. Aerosol Cans

    Aerosol Impact
    Aerosol Impact | Unsafe Things in-car | Source (1)

    The most obvious things not to leave behind in a car are the aerosol cans. These include room fresheners, deodorants, and spray paints. All these can expand and escalate a small enough blast to destroy your vehicle’s interior or in some cases the whole vehicle. Provided these ticking bomb cans are left for prolonged periods in extreme weather conditions, especially hot climate.

  2. Water Bottles

    Water Bottle
    Water Bottle | Source (1)

    Yes! It is convenient to have a water bottle kept handy in your car. Well, kept for a long period can wipe you out instead wiping your thurst. A bottle kept for long might have BPA contaminating the water inside. What is BPA? you may ask. Well, it is the substance used to manufacture the bottles. You should surely avoid drinking this water.

  3. Personal Belongings

    Personal Belongings Theft
    Theft of Personal Belongings | Unsafe Things in-car | Source (1)

    Personal Belonging is a small word given to the waste array of personal things one should not leave in your car. This includes a wallet, handbags, important documents, and even a passport. Theft is the main reason things could go wrong fast. With that said, it is highly recommended that valuables either are kept away from view or in the boot.

  4. Sunscreen and cosmetics

    Sunscreen | Source (1)

    Sunlight is a boon and sometimes a curse. well, guess what, in this case, it is the former one. Let’s have some science lessons, sunlight heats the car’s cabin, in turn raising the temperature inside the car. This changes the composition of the cosmetics kept inside and will surely be harmful to the skin. This is the same case with a Lipstick.

  5. Plants

    Plants in car
    Plants in-car | Source (1)

    One of the unusual things to keep in a car is plants. The butt burning cabin heat will surly have an expensive toll on those plants you kept in the car trying to purify the air inside. Please don’t do it just in case.

  6. Medication

    hand-sanitizer in car
    Avoid Keeping Hand-Sanitizer in-car | Source (1)

    Like cosmetics, the medicins have a fairly similar impact when kept inside a car. It is recommended to keep most of the medicins at room temperature and a dry place. The atmosphere inside the cabin is quite the opposite. Room temperature? Nada, Dry? not.

  7. Lighters

    Lighter is Harmful
    Lighter is Harmful | Unsafe Things in-car | Source (1)

    These tiny little things are life saviours after the car lighter got discontinued. Just in case you are not aware, these cute little tools are highly dangerous. A study shows that the flammable liquid inside the light leaks when subjected to heat or a hot environment. This turns out to be a favourable breeding ground and set off a vicious fire.

  8. Electronics (Heat is harmful to electronics)

    Heat is harmful for electronics
    Heat is harmful to electronics | Source (1)

    Phones, laptops, or any other device running on a battery that too a lithium-ion may be in trouble when keeping it in astonishing heat. How is it harmful? The heat disturbs the electrolytes’ composition and might harm the overall battery life of the device.

  9. Wine

    Wine Bottles
    Wine Bottles | Source (1)

    For those who often hide Wine and drinks in the car, please think twice of doing so. Yet again, the heat from the sun heats the cabin and for the n-th time cabin too. this also disturbs what’s inside the crystal bottle.

  10. Pets

    Don't leave pets in a car
    Don’t leave pets in a car | Unsafe Things in-car | Source (1)

    Last but not the least, Pets. Please pitty these innocent creatures and avoid leaving them unattended in the car. They are better at home than in the car. The lack of a parent or a caretaker in the car may unsettle them. The rage due to being alone, they can damage the interior of the car as well as they might just get faint because of the heat.

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These were the 10 things one should avoid leaving behind. Do let us know in the comment section about your experience of leaving behind something.

Also, Read Car Sales Report August 2020 – Maruti Eeco still going strong!

Utkarsh Bhardwaj
Utkarsh Bhardwajhttps://gomechanic.in/blog
Technical Content Strategist at GoMechanic | Big Time Petrolhead with the passion for building cars and driving those beauties.


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