How should I maintain my car after getting a Teflon Coating?

Teflon coating can recover from faded paints but it has its limits. It can completely remove scratches, the swirl marks on the surface are reduced considerably after the entire process on your Skoda Car.
How do I care for my car after getting a Ceramic Coating done?

There are a lot of ways to care for your car after Ceramic Coating like parking under a tree especially if there is shedding, you don't want bird droppings on a fresh coating.
How long does it take for GoMechanic to do Rubbing and Polishing in my Skoda Car?

Car Rubbing and Polishing takes around 6 hours to complete and we recommend you let the polish sit for an additional one hour.
What are the benefits of Silencer Coating?

In this pollution Pune, Deccan rusting is normal. Silencer Coating provides a protective coating for silencers of all types of vehicles from corrosion and rust.
Does Ceramic Coating prevent rust?

Since water and oxygen are the main causes of corrosion and thus rusting, a ceramic coating directly acts to reduce the chance of rusting from occurring on your car.
What all modes of payment does GoMechanic offer under Detailing Service?

At every GoMechanic workshop in the Pune, Deccan we offer multi-payment options like Paytm, Google pay, Credit/Debit, etc.