Does GoMechanic give a paintwork warranty for BMW x5?
Yes GoMehanic provides a paintwork warranty. While the warranty usually covers defective areas and dull paint. The warranty period might be different for various products. It's essential to ask about the warranty time and condition before accepting any paintwork services. In such cases, we offer a paint warranty for your BMW x5.
Did the service companies tell you the estimate of the dent paint job in Delhi?
When your car meets some damage, getting an estimated cost of the repair costs is important. To consider this condition GoMechanic offers estimates and breaks down the costs for all parts and workmanship. we provide an estimate that tells you exactly what to expect for your car in all service centers in Delhi.
Which type of primer is best for car dent paint service?
A good primer is essential to protect the shine and durability for a long period. There are different types of primers used in service centers To give the Car the best-required finish quality. Strong adhesion is required for metal surfaces. Grade-A quality primer is the best option for smooth shine and finish for dent paint services for your car.
what precaution is required to maintain the protection of car paint?
You need a regular wash of the car that preserves the paint gloss. When parking, it's critical to pay attention to the available space and to check for the parking dimensions, and while going to crowded places maintain a safe distance from the object that might cause scratches. These are some essential requirements to maintain the paint gloss.